Monday being republic day,this is an extended weekend and I have my long list of work to be done. No,not official work, but things like reading novels, watching movies and more movies. A new item was added to my list when a friend of mine called up on thursday to check if I can accompany him for shopping... Stop!!!! I know it is weird for two guys to out with the actual intention of "shopping".. The fact is, friend of mine is leaving for US next week and we had to buy loads of stuffs for the journey.
So, our shopping maha-expedition started at around noon from jayanagar. By then, I had already spent an hour at one of the book store and had bought two novels and a movie. We headed towards S.P road, the place to look out for (pirated) electronic and computer goods in search of portable hard disk. And then we moved on to buy DVDs, Game CDs,trolleys, warm clothes, shirts and so on.. It was 9 in the night by the time our list had reached the last item, a mobile phone.. At the end of the day, we together have shopped for around 17K and roamed around whole of Bangalore from Jayanagar to SP Road to Majestic to Koramangala to Commercial Street...
What a day!!! and what a start to my weekend..Time to retire to bed after a tireful day.. :)
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3 months ago
Phew!!!I cant believe you shopped the entire day and blew up 17k.Even girls dont spend so much ;)!Did u try getting that protein mix?
I didnt spend 17k completely bhama..My friend spent around 15K and I spent around 2K..
Nope, forgot that it was also in my shopping list ;-)
17k.. he he. :). Good going man. I'll refer u to ppl who may want to go shopping!
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